Le Musée pour Rire : Dessins par tous les caricaturistes de Paris
Paris: Chez Aubert Typographie Lacrampe Et Compagnie. Daumier, Bouchot, Gavarni, et al. First edition. Hardcover. Lacks 36 of 150 illustrations. The remaining 114 present in excellent condition. Plates in this volume unusually well preserved and fresh without the typical foxing and browning. Item #125598
Three volumes bound in one, with all 150 sections. Lacking the illustration from 36 of them (not referring to the mastheads, that are all present as are the other 114 lithographs).
4to - 10 3/4 x 8 7/8 x 2 inches.
Price: $750.00
See all items by Louis Huart et Ch. Philipon MM. Maurice Alhoy